Activity Booking
Here you can find out about the many bookable things available to Trinity MCR members, including activities like punting, croquet and tennis.
Punt Booking
The MCR and JCR hire two punts for the entirety of Trinity Term (0th-9th week) from the Magdalen Bridge Boat House. The MCR also hires one punt from the start of week 10 to the end of September. The booking form can be found in the WhatsApp group chat (search for “punting form“ etc.) or if confused don’t hesitate to reach out by email at
Punting on the River Cherwell is one of those truly Oxford experiences!
Croquet Booking
If you are a member of the Trinity College MCR, you can rent an MCR croquet set in Trinity Term, available for collection from the the lodge. Use the booking link below. You are required to leave your bod card (as deposit) at the lodge.
Croquet can only be played on the lawns Monday to Saturday from 13:00 and on Sunday from 10:00.
Playing croquet on the Trinity Lawns.
Dinghy Booking
The MCR has two inflatable boats available for booking, as a generous parting gift from the 2019/20 Committee!
A good training location is Port Meadow, and more ambitious sailors could consider a route from the head of the river pub, round to the Cherwell and up to Magdalen Bridge (and perhaps beyond?.....).
Contact any member of the Committee to be given the key to access these (plus a pump) if you’d like to take them for a spin.
Neale Marlow sailing on one of the new MCR inflatable dinghies at Port Meadow. The sun is shining and he is dabbing.
Tennis Court Booking
Trinity has two tennis courts on its sports field, a fifteen minute walk from the main site. These are available for use by MCR members.
The tennis court booking system is shared with Catz and can be found at the link below.
Once booked, you’ll need to pick up a key to the grounds at Trinity’s Porters Lodge.
The Trinity-owned Sports Ground near Headington, about 15 minutes walk from College.